Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Today, let's look at the life of Moses.
Moses was born at a time when little Hebrew new born males were killed. His mother made a             basket and laid the child Moses in it and put the basket in the river. His sister kept a close watch.
Pharaoh's daughter was bathing on the banks of the river, and she had other girls with her. When they heard a cry from the basket, she asked one of her girls to go and see what it was. Lo and behold, they found a baby in this basket! The child looked beautiful.
Immediately, Miriam ran to Pharaoh's daughter and asked if she could get some one to nurse the         baby. So the little baby was nursed by his own mother and then was brought back to the palace to be with Pharaoh's daughter. She took him to be her son and called him Moses, because she had drawn him out of the water.

Here was this Hebrew child who was destined to be killed and he is now in the palace. God had a plan for his life. He grew up in the palace in the lap of luxury.
Fast forward...he kills one of the Egyptians who was mistreating a Hebrew slave, and the next day he finds two of the slaves fighting. He goes to separate them and then the secret comes out. They make it known that they saw what happened the previous day. He had killed an Egyptian. He then flees into the wilderness.

Imagine Moses who was so used to luxury in the palace, is now in the wilderness. No home. No servants. No food. All by himself and he is wandering.

There he meets up with Jethro and his daughters and is married to one of the girls.God had His eyes on Moses. He had a plan for his life. You may ask: Plan for a murderer? Yes, indeed. So you know He has a plan for you too!
It wasn't God who encouraged Moses to kill the Egyptian. It was the self at work. Moses was exerting his power and authority. 
When God has a doesn't matter how much we want to resist or stray away...He has His way of getting us back on track...that is if we acknowledge our mistakes and make Him the "MY" God.

There is a day when Moses is tending to the sheep in the backside of the mountains in the wilderness. He was alone. It was there he saw an unusual sight....a bush was on fire but it was not getting burnt or consumed. So he goes closer to it, and then hears a voice...the Voice of God!!
God talking to a murderer?
Yes, He wants to talk with everyone...doesn't matter what you have done, or how deep into sin you have got yourself into...He speaks! And it's up to us to listen.

Right from when Moses was a little child, God's plan for his life was being charted out. Moses had to go through it all to finally hear the voice of God.

Dear Reader, very often, we tend to embrace the things of this world and some how give a deaf ear to things that are from God.
We want to lead our own life and take great pride in rejecting God. After all we are in the 21st century and it's sort of weird and out of fashion to even mention God, leave alone knowing about Him.
God has a plan for you even before you were born. He wants to give you hope. He wants to bless you...again don't equate blessings only with money!

You may need to flee.. Yes....flee from lust...from the love of this world, and get to a place where you are alone...and then allow God to speak with you. And when He speaks...please listen!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


First of all let us ask ourselves the question: Who will supply all the needs?
The verse says: My God! 
It doesn't say: Your job. Your government. It clearly says: MY God.
Let's ask another question: Who is this God?
Well, He is the same God...The God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joseph, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, Daniel, and David...Paul of the New Testament.

Let's take one person at a time and see how God blessed them. Now, please dislodge this from your mindset that blessing has always to do with money.

Let's look at Abraham: 
God spoke with Abraham to leave his country and his people and to go to a far place which He would show him. Now Abraham heard the voice and was obedient. 
God gave him the land of Canaan and put him to a test. There was a famine in the land. This time Abraham chooses to go his way and he along with his wife decided to go to Egypt. We don't see anywhere God telling him to do so. He decided to move on his own. Now fear creeps in because his wife was very beautiful and as expected she was picked up by Pharaoh’s officials. 
Look at what this man does...the man with whom God had spoken. He lies about his wife...says she's his sister. 

Question is, where was his trust in God? He was being manipulative, thinking he could fend for himself.
 They treated Abraham well and gave him sheep, cattle, camels, and maid servants. 
Long story short....Pharaoh gives Sarah back to Abraham and they return with all the gifts. Abraham became very wealthy but his lack of faith in God almost caused him to lose his wife.

So far what do we learn?
Today, we should learn to trust Him completely and not resort to our own way of doing things that we know for sure goes against God's plan for us. Abraham almost destroyed the agreement with God when he made this trip to Egypt.
There was a covenant between him and God and in exchange for his obedience, God would make him a great nation. He would bless him and make his name great. In turn Abraham would be a blessing to others.

I love what it says in Genesis 13:4- To the place of the altar which he had made there at the first and there Abraham called on the name of the Lord.
Abraham remembers his God. He knew he disappointed his God.
He goes back to the place where he was there first. And what does he do?
He calls on the name of the Lord! 

What happens when we call upon the name of the Lord?
The Bible says: We will be saved!! We will be blessed!

The promises to Abraham were both physical and spiritual in nature. Abraham was blessed with a son (Isaac) in his old age. God said his descendants would be like the stars of the heaven, and the sand which is on the seashore.
The spiritual blessing is the fulfilling of Christ's coming as a descendant of Abraham, through whom people from all nationalities may receive Salvation.

Abraham knew his God. His God knew Abraham!

Dear reader, when it says: My God shall supply. We've got to make sure we have a personal relationship with this God whom Abraham knew. We've got to be obedient to God when He asks us to do something...And let's not try and manipulate God, rather let's wait on Him because He will supply all you need (Note: It doesn't say what we want!). He knows what we need!
These supplies are both physical as well as spiritual! And it is given always for His glory!

Monday, January 26, 2015


The Bible says: God has a plan for you. They are good plans. Some how people have given a deaf ear to God's promises. They consider it to be fairy tales, and yet they have no problems in believing other things that they hear on TV and radio.
The mind has tuned out God. People love everything BUT the things of God. They consider it old's for people who do not have self confidence and cannot stand on their own.

Well, no good thing will God keep away from those who love Him. And yes, it is not always about money. It is about broken relationships being mended. It is a marriage on the verge of collapse....He can restore.

Whatever situation you may be on the Lord Jesus Christ. Tell Him your problems. Make Him the Lord of your life...and experience the joy that comes only from Him!



The world hates the cross. It bothers them. They say, it is repulsive. They are doing every thing possible to remove the symbol of the cross from public places. Some have said, it makes them throw up!
Often wondered why?

Well, it was on the Cross, Jesus shed his precious blood. It was there when Satan thought it was all over. He thought he had defeated Jesus. Least did Satan know that the victory cry was: It is finished!
 It is at the cross where there's light. It is where the burdens of our hearts roll away. And yes, it's where we encounter the Lord Jesus
and the burdens of our heart roll away! We find our way home!!

If you feel you are lost, pause for a moment in the midst of whatever you are doing and go to the Cross. You will find true love...A love that will encourage you and it will be like a lighthouse that a ship in disaster at sea longs to see.

Saturday, October 13, 2012



                    People could not find any fault in Daniel. He was faithful to His God. 
                    So the people conspired against him, and they flattered their king
                    saying that a law should be passed where for thirty days that there 
                    should be no petition to be made to any other gods or man, except him.
                    Anyone who disobeyed this law would be cast into the den of lions.
                    The King signed this,and the law became effective.

                    Daniel 6: 10  Now when Daniel saw that the writing was signed,
                   he went home,and in his upper room, with his windows open toward
                   Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day,
                   and prayed.

                    In verse 11, it says that the people found Daniel praying and making 
                    supplication before his God. They went to the king and informed him.

                    The sequence of events is such that the King though he loved Daniel, 
                    had to carry out the punishment.
                    Daniel is put into the den of lions.
                    It becomes interesting:
                    1. Daniel 6:16  So the king gave the command, and they brought
                     Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke:
                     Daniel, your God whom you serve continually. He will deliver you.
                    2. The whole night, the king could not sleep.
                     Very early in the morning he goes to the den of lions and he cried out
                     with a lamenting voice to Daniel.
                     Daniel, servant of the Most High God,has your God delivered you
                     from the mouth of the lions?
                    3. Verse 22: My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, 
                    so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before
                    Him; and also O king, I have done no wrong before you.
                    The king is exceedingly happy.
                    He saw the hand of Daniel's God upon Daniel.
                    Now, he puts another law in place, where he says:
                    The God of Daniel is the Living God. He is steadfast forever.
                    His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed.
                     And His dominion shall endure to the end.
                    He goes on to say: In heaven and on earth, there is no one like Him'
                    God has delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.

                    Daniel showed courage. He showed commitment.
                    He dared to stand alone for His conviction.
                    Today, we are in similar situations. Would we be like Daniel?

Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm!
Dare to make it known.

Friday, October 12, 2012



                Proverbs 8: 34 & 35:

                34:  Blessed is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at My gates, 
                       waiting at the posts of My doors.
                35: For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord.

                If we are to be blessed today. If we are to find God's favor today, 
                here are a few doing words:
               1. LISTEN TO HIM
               2.WATCH DAILY
               3.WAIT FOR HIM
               The Word promises us that we would be blessed! 
               The Word also says, we will obtain favor from the Lord!
               Today, pause for a moment and let us ask ourselves these questions:
               1. Am I listening to Him....present continuous tense! 
                   Or am I listening to the world?
               2. Am I watching daily at His gates.....a daily event! 
                   Or do I watch for Him in season only?
               3. Am I waiting for Him.....Or am I so impatient and independent that 
                   I do not need Him in my  life?

Thursday, October 11, 2012


The original production was done in Mandarin.
Spring of Water International Ministries approached us
to translate and lip sync into English!
It was indeed a challenge, but we praise God
for enabling us to get male and female voices to match
on-screen characters.
If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this DVD,
we would encourage you to get in touch with
Spring of Water International Ministries
PO Box 5975, Irvine, CA 92616-5975


11 hours of solid teaching by Pastor Andres Portes from the Word in Spanish was translated and dubbed into English at Christian Dubbing Studio. 
Topics include:
1. The Name
2. Elohim
3.Jahweh 1
4.Jahweh II
5. The Lord of Hosts
6. The Lord of Hosts II
7. Who is the Lord of Hosts?
8. The Lord shall provide
9. Adonai
10.Kurios 1
11.Kurios II
12.Kurios III
12 CD set available FREE to the first 100 who contact us with their mailing address via our website:


        II Chronicles 7:14      
       If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, 
       and  pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will
       hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
         This is a text addressed to all who profess to be Christians. It is obvious there
         are issues of:
         1. PRIDE
         3. WICKEDNESS
         If Christians are to have their prayers answered, sins forgiven and bring about a
         healing in the land, there is a secret:
         1.  HUMILITY
         The Word is very clear.THEN, it says I WILL
         1.  HEAR FROM HEAVEN
         2.  FORGIVE THEIR SIN
         3.  HEAL THEIR LAND
         Let us make a commitment today to acknowledge our spiritual situation,
         and then follow His Word to experience a great healing of our land!

Monday, March 19, 2012


Sound is critical and important to the overall impact of any piece of video. It separates the professional from the mediocre.
The audio sweetening process usually starts after the completion of the video and effects.At this point, the audio engineer gets to work to sweeten and make the audio sound the best possible.
In this project, we started by cleaning up the original audio that was recorded. We listened for noises, clicks, hum that existed and took them out very deftly.

Friday, March 2, 2012

We do audio sweetening and sound design for ministries. When some ministries have small budgets and yet we find that the audio is not clean...we step up and help with the limited budget that is allocated.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I've had ministries ask me if we could cut translations costs by using machine translations. Some have said that the machine translation is being constantly improved, and may be one should use human translators as just post-editors. This approach they felt was quick, efficient and most importantly, a much cheaper way to get the translations.
If one was to get an idea of the original text, I personally feel it is okay...but if the translation is for lip sync or voice over recording.... My response is a resounding NO!